
Walk4ECMO Summer 'Lockdown' Challenges 2020 : Island Marathon

  Event One: Street Island #SocialDistancing 'alternative' Marathon (26/04/20) We've all been made island castaways by #COVID19 but on the last on Sunday 26th March the resident community in   our street   organised a social distancing 'alternative Marathon' charity event to coincide with the postponed London Marathon. Households stepped forward at their alloted time, as part of their daily exercise, to walk, run or stroll laps of our island, contributing to the overall lap counter. The equivalent distance to the 26.2 miles required to complete the Marathon was calculated to be 281 laps of our island. More than ten households participated in the challenge, including a sausage dog and a boxer dog, and when the laps were totalled up it became clear that our street had completed 2 WHOLE MARATHONS!!! The grand total of 565 laps had been made around our island. Excellent effort all round!

Winter walking weekend with Tom in Abergavenny Hills

Enjoyable and challenging #AllWeather walking in the Abergavenny Hills with Tom on the weekend. Great training for my Summer 2020 walking challenges, raising awareness & funds for incredible life-saving #ECMO    

Third summer 2019 Walk4ECMO challenge completed

  Completed the Welsh 3 Peaks Challenge with Cardiff & Vale Health Charity. 22nd September 2019  Raising money for the Critical Care Unit at the University Hospital of Wales (UHW), Cardiff who cared for my son Tom when he was admitted with pneumonia and suffered cardiac and respiratory failure. The amazing CCU team at UHW had the foresight to refer Tom for life-saving ECMO at St Thomas' London, and that saved his life. We are so fortunate to have such an amazing NHS! In the past I have raised money for St Thomas' ECMO ICU team, but for this challenge I want to say thank you to the  Cardiff and Vale University Health Board who played such a key role in saving my son's life.  @UHWCriticalCare @Health_Charity First peak SNOWDON done!   Second peak CADAIR IDRIS conquered by the unstoppable @Health_Charity Welsh Three Peaks challenge team #cav3peaks .   Top performance by fantasti c Welsh Three Peaks team to get down from PEN Y FAN and complete challenge by 11.00pm #cav

Second summer 2019 Walk4ECMO challenge completed

On 7th September I completed my Abergavenny with Offas Dyke 38mile trek: . Walking in the Welsh hills to raise awareness for life-saving ECMO ICU at St Thomas' Hospital, London. Landmarks: Abergavenny; The Gaer; Bal Mawr; Chwarel Y Fan; Lord Hereford' Knob; Hay Bluff; Rhiw Arw; Pandy.

Completed my Brighton2London Challenge: 57.5miles in 21.5hrs!

Started 11:30am Sat 3rd Aug from Brighton Pier: Great BrightonPride party atmosphere:   Making good progress so stopped for a beer with Andy: Getting darks as I reach the 40 mile mark: Very tired now after 50 miles: Reach St Thomas' Hospital at 9.00am in the morning: The walk statistics:

Brighton-London 24hr challenge

Excited by my 53mi @Walk4ECMO Brighton-London 24hr challenge, starting noon Sat 3rd Aug from Brighton Pier. Publicising amazing life-saving #ECMO @GSTT_ICU. The amazing #NHS saved my son's life. I know everybody was incredibly generous for Cardiff-London in Sept'18, but @GSTT_ICU are life-savers and #EveryPennyCounts ! Check out "Walk4ECMO Summer Challenge" here:

Training for Brighton2London 2019

Lovely morning in the SurreyHills, training for my Brighton2London #BriLon19 24hr walk. Having fun and raising awareness for life-saving #ECMO at @GSTT_ICU . Start Aug 3rd from Brighton pier and finish next day in gardens @GSTTnhs for well earned flapjack and a cup of tea!